This is book is titled "Monster" and is written by Walter Dean Myers. I read the 100 pages and it is about a trial of men accused for walking in to a store and taking cigarettes and killing the owner of the store. Now the accusation continues Steve Harmon isn't enjoying his time in jail. He meets some new prisoners, but aren't the nicest people on the planet and there is some talk about the death penalty.
Steve and Osvaldo were affected by peer pressure by having to tell the truth to the jury and not say false information, because the rest of the people who committed the crime are right there next to them and will tell them off. Osvaldo is a 14 year old boy who was a part in the crime. I think that peer pressure can be good, because it can motivate you to do something.
The style of dialogue in the book is very interesting. The format is more of a screenplay-like format, I personally like the style of the book because I enjoy script writing and making movies. The way the gang speaks sounds like they are uneducated. They don't put in words that are needed to make the sentence make sense. For example (pg. 81) Osvaldo: He don't have no choice. He mess with me and the Diablos will burn him up. Or (pg. 81) Osvaldo: He don't hang with nobody.
I don't think that Steve will be thrown in to the death penalty, I think it will be the person who shot the store owner. I still think there is going to be a major conflict with Steve and he will get in a major fight resulting in something bad.
I'm still not sure Steve didn't shoot the store owner, and I'm conflicted about what I want to happen to him. He is not a very sympathetic character.